- Hardware interfacing and Programming In embedded c of following External and On Chip Devices with AVR
microcontrollers:Led (using PORTS as Output) - Matrix keyboard
- LCD Display System
- Seven segment display
- Switch ( Using PORTS as input)
- Introduction To Different AVR mic
- DC motor (Speed and Direction Control)
- Stepper Motor (Speed and Direction Control)
- Machine Code Burning Techniques and Softwares
- The RISC architecture of AVR family’s micro controller
- Pin Detail of Atmega8515,ATmega8535,ATmega8, Atmega16 etc.
- Microcontrollers ( Atmega8515,ATmega8535,ATmega8, Atmega16 etc.)
- Programming in Embedded C and different Embedded C compilers
- Relay (To control Switching of AC devices e.g. Bulb,Fan, Heater etc.)
- Difference between MC-51 (CISC) & AVR (RISC) family of microcontrollers
- Digital to Analog converters
- I2C based Serial Real Time clock (DS1307)
- Interfacing of different types of sensors
- AVR Microcontroller based Project Development
- Single Chanel Analog to Digital Convertor(ADC0804)
- Multichannel Analog to Digital Convertor (adc809)
- Design and Testing of AVR family Microcontroller Evaluation Board
- Programming and Practical implementation of on-chip Analog Comparator
- Programming and Practical implementation of On-chip Timer & Counter
- Programming and Practical implementation Hardware and Software Interrupts
- Serial communication b/w microcontroller and PC & b/w Two micro-controller
- PWM generation using on-chip PWM generator and its practical implementation
- Programming and Practical implementation of On-chip Multichannel Analog to digital Convertor (Atmega8535, Atmega8. Atmega16)
Exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip sed conseqrure dolorn repreh deris ptate velit ecepteur duis.