- History
- Its strengths
- Weaknesses
- Competitors
- Starting MATLAB, Using MATLAB as a calculator
Quitting MATLAB Basics
- Familiar with MATLAB windows
- Basic Operations
- MATLAB-Data types
- Rules about variable names
- Predefined variables Programming-I
- Vector – Matrix – Array Addressing
- Built-in functions
- Mathematical Operations
- Dealing with strings(Array of characters)
- Array of array(cell)
Concept Programming-II
- Script file
- Input commands
- Output commands
- Structure of function file
- Inline functions
- Feval command
- Comparison between script file and function file Conditional statements and Loop
- Relational and Logical Operators
- If-else statements
- Switch-case statements
- For loop
- While loop
- Special commands( Break and continue)
- Import data from large database
- Export data to own file or database 2D Plotting